5 good reasons to book on our website!

Winter 2024-2025

Reservations are now open!

Book now to take advantage of the widest choice of dates.

Or contact us at

01 47 42 51 81

from Monday to Friday, from 9H to 18H.

Discover our 4 ELIOVA hotels

Eliova offers you 3 hotels for your vacations in the mountains(Alpe d'Huez, Châtel, and Crest-Voland) and 1 hotel for your vacations by the sea (Hôtel du Golf de Saint-Laurent in Ploemel)

For a successful vacation!

The rooms, the table, the sport, the relaxation... Everything is implemented for the success of your vacations.

A warm atmosphere, a smiling welcome and service, comfortable rooms and a gourmet restaurant... Nothing has been forgotten to make your snow vacations with family or friends a success.

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